When you run an ice rink or arena, protecting the ice from damage is usually a prime concern. A host of incredible things can be performed on the ice. Ice skating, ice dancing, and hockey are extremely popular activities that take place in rinks and arenas all around the world. offers a selection of Ice Rink Covers and Tarps to help preserve the ice surface and parts of your building from damage and deterioration. Artic Rink Liners are great for any rink from the biggest arena to one in the backyard. These are durable and strong while being resistant to punctures, chemicals, and salt. and arena seat covers to shield unused seating areas. They are great for closing off section for smaller events creating a manageable, comfortable, and professional looking area. Whatever size rink or arena that you have, has the covering to help protect your ice. The ice liner is 5 " to 8 " short